Supply Chain Delays | Shipping and Order Updates
Thank you for your order!
We cannot thank you enough for your continued support of Wicked Sheets over these past 13 years of business. If you are a first-time customer, welcome to the Wicked Sheets family! We truly appreciate each and every one of our customers and try to meet their sleeper needs as best we can as we get to know you during your time as a wicked sleeper. If you have been waiting for your backordered order, thank you so much for your extreme patience with us as we work through the supply chain issues that we (and the rest of the country) have been facing these past few months.
*Updated shipping information as of 1/20/2022 at 2:07pm.
Important information about your order.
If you are a BACKORDERED customer who ordered WICKED WHITE, read below:
We have finally received our fabric here in Louisville and it is IN PRODUCTION as we speak! We are shipping orders out in the order in which they were received and promise that you will receive your order soon. Our sewing team is working 7 days a week at the moment to help us get caught up and will continue to do so until everyone has received their order.
When we ship your order, you will receive an email with the subject line, "Something wicked your way comes" and in it you will find your tracking and carrier information.
All backordered customers will also be receiving a free gift as an added thank you for your patience and understanding as we worked through our supply chain delays.
If you are BACKORDERED customer who ordered COOL GRAY, please read below:
We have finally received tracking information for our Cool Gray sheets! We went from hearing once a week to hearing once every few weeks as our product has been sitting on a cargo ship in Long Beach, California (along with the thousands of other products waiting to be delivered to customers). We know that the estimated date to be unloaded is 12/6/2021. We have our logistics team standing by with the appropriate documentation so that we can get it to us here in Louisville as soon as possible.
Once we have an accurate arrival date of the sheets, we will begin printing shipping labels, which means you will get an email notification. This email will have subject line, "Something wicked your way comes" and in it you will find your tracking and carrier information.
All backordered customers will also be receiving a free gift as an added thank you for your patience and understanding as we worked through our supply chain delays.
We have already begun shipping Cool Gray backorders and will continue to do so 24/7 until all backorders are shipped!
Some of you have been receiving personal emails from me to double check addresses, but otherwise, we are shipping your order as we have it in our system. Thank you!!
If you need to change your address since you placed your order, please complete this quick and easy Google Form and we will make that update before your order is shipped.
Important information about our waitlist.
If you are interested in purchasing Wicked Sheets in a color outside of Wicked White or Cool Gray, we would love to have you signup for our waitlist.
As with our white and gray fabric, everything is being shipped to us in an unpredictable manner (despite how it was ordered) due to the loading and unloading of these cargo ships. Although I cannot tell you a definitive date on when we might be receiving Crisp Concord, Arctic Ash, Gray Dot, or Green Dot, we will be stocking them again just as soon as we receive the fabric and can begin sewing here in Louisville.
Ice Blue is our Spring/Summer seasonal color, and we will be restocking that just as soon as we can as well.
Once we receive our fabric, we will allow orders to be placed on backorder, where you will order and pay for your order, and then we will ship them out in the priority order in which they are received. We will be emailing you as soon as that option becomes available and the Backorder can be placed on wickedsheets.com.
We cannot wait to have you sleeping wicked.
From the bottom of my small business owner heart, THANK YOU. I have been in business for 13 years and it is only because of YOU, our customers. I refuse to let these supply chain delays cause my business any more harm.
We haven't always handled our communication about these issues appropriately (or always in a timely manner) simply because it is just me emailing everyone personally. Maybe a cold, mass email about the shipping delays was the way to go in hindsight, but I truly believe that personal communication is the best approach when there are so many unknowns and ever changing information about your order.
I appreciate your understanding of me and the way I have chosen to run my business. At Wicked Sheets, we are small, but mighty...and mighty personal when it comes to important matters of the body like sweat and sleep. So, thank you.
I cannot wait to have you sleeping wicked!
Alli Truttmann
Founder & CEO
Wicked Sheets, LLC

Wicked Sheets is a better sleep company, dedicated to providing products and information to deal with night sweats and hot flashes. Check out the rest of the site and our products to learn more.