Debunking the Myths of Polyester
Researchers estimate that we spend nearly 1/3 of our lives asleep. For the non-mathematicians out there like myself, that’s 200,000 hours that we’re spending in a horizontal sleep-state. When you put it that way it makes sense when someone claims to have “woken up on the wrong side of the bed”. If you’re sleeping on an uncomfortable surface all that time you’re absolutely not going to be a “ray of sunshine” when your feet hit the floor. Have I mentioned that I love sleep clichés?!
Because of the business that I’m in (Commiserating Night Sweat Sufferer and Miracle Bed Sheet Creator) I started doing a little research of my own in this bed sheet buying category. Since I’m the one who answers the phone when you call, I started noticing that everyone was asking me a different version of the same question. “What’s it made of?”
So I’d love to spend some time today giving you the skinny on FABRIC TYPE and FIBER:
Polyester? Cotton? Blended? Bamboo? Yes, there are a lot of different types of fabric that your bed sheets can be made from. However, when you are looking to purchase, the type that you choose should be decided upon based on each fibers’ functionality. That’s right, how they perform.
So ask yourself, do you want them silky and smooth? Do you want them to be crisp and military like when you make the bed? Don’t forget about stain-resistance and wrinkle-free. Oh, and what about cost, durability, color selection, and size?! The list truly does go on and on…but once you know exactly what you want to get out of your sheets, you can and WILL find the perfect set for you.
Here at Wicked Sheets, we’ve worked extraordinarily hard to create a sheet set for you that does all of those things, but we understand if you get tripped up at “100% silkweight polyester”. You instantly think of your grandmother’s old polyester pants that make that crunchy sound when she walked by, right? Or if you were like me, my old Catholic school-girl jumper that was made of thick, hot, navy polyester. Ugh, I still cringe when I think about it.
Well, let me put those old feelings about polyester to rest (pun intended) because the science and technology surrounding polyester since its discovery in 1941 has come a long, long way. Hence the term, “silkweight” that we use on every tag, label, and description. It truly is a lighter, more breathable and silkier version of the same stuff that was created in the 40’s for purposes of wrinkle-resistance by Whinfield and Dickson.
After decades of testing and improvements, here’s what polyester can do for you:
- Polyester fabric and fibers are extremely strong and long-lasting.
- Polyester is durable, resistant to most chemicals, stretching, shrinking, wrinkles, mildew, and even abrasion resistant.
- Polyester is hydrophobic (afraid of water) and quick drying.
- Polyester retains its shape.
- Polyester is easily washed and dried, even dry-cleaned with no hassle.
Here are a few other important things to note about polyester sheets or Wicked Sheets in particular. Polyester fibers are knitted, not woven. This means that they are comprised of one continuous loop of fiber and look like tiny rows of braids. Knits will stretch with the width of the fabric, unlike woven fabrics that do not stretch. Oh, and knits do not wrinkle, woven fabric wrinkles easily.
Because of this single continuous loop of fiber being used throughout the sheet, we do not have a “thread-count”. High thread count sheets can certainly have been marketed to be “better or softer” sheets, especially if you base it on price, however, it’s the fiber or thread that matters the most. In fact, a sheet made of knitted fabric will actually withstand washing better because there is less of a chance to split or pop away from the other threads.
And lastly, polyesters, because of their production and sewing technique have a pure-finish. That means no chemicals or dyes were used during to create the look of shine or silk. Color dying occurs after the manufacturing of the actual fiber. The dying process with Wicked Sheets is also scientific. The pores in our fabric allows for the most moisture absorption and breathability. By adding colors and/or dyes you run the risk of clogging those pores and decreasing fabric efficiency. One day we hope to offer more “fun” colors to match all of your bedding styles, but for now white and beige are the safest choices that won’t decrease fabric functionality.
Alright, I hope that helps solve any myth that you’ve been told about the “evils of polyester” in your sleeping environment. At the end of the day, everyone has unique preferences and even more unique sensory needs, but hopefully now you know a little bit more about why we choose to use silkweight polyester to fight our night sweat battles!
Sleep cool, friends! - A

Wicked Sheets is a better sleep company, dedicated to providing products and information to deal with night sweats and hot flashes. Check out the rest of the site and our products to learn more.