Wicked Night Sweats in Hotel Bedding...Ugh!
You love them because that usually indicates that you’re traveling.
You hate them because they aren’t “home”.
I have the privilege of sharing my latest travel story with you today; as I recently just returned home from an amazing trip to London and Scotland. When you look back at the 7 hour flight and 4 hour train rides, it was all well worth it. In fact, I’ve been walking around day-dreaming about the hiking, eating, drinking, and shopping that these beautifully eclectic cities have to offer, however, as soon as those plane wheels hit the runway at Louisville’s Standiford Field I’m quickly reminded of my mom’s saying regarding traveling:
“I love vacation, but there is nothing better than coming home.”
I’m sure a lot of you can resonate with that statement regardless of the purpose of your travels: business or pleasure; but I venture to bet that the people who are reading this who suffer from night sweats can truly empathize with why returning “home” is so important to a traveler like me.
Picture this: Hotel room. You come in, drop your bags at the door, open the window to see the view, look in the mini-bar, and plop down on the bed to take a much-deserved load-off Relax.
Now picture this: Hotel room. You come in, drop your bags at the door, search for the thermostat, switch it to “cool”, open the window because it doesn’t kick on fast enough, off your sweaty shirt, toss it in the dirty laundry bag, change into a dry shirt (that is, if you don’t require a shower), plop down on the bed, and instantly begin sweating because you’re NOT lying on Wicked Sheets. First, anxiety. Then, frustration.
So which scenario do you think I experience when I walk into a hotel room after a long day of traveling?! ? If you’re like me, and the second scenario is familiar then you are in the right place, my friend.
Now before you go getting all attracted to me again because of my sensual sweat stories (ha!), let me throw a disclaimer in there that says, “This isn’t always the case.” Just because I tend to sweat (a lot) and often, doesn’t mean that it happens all day, every day. The truth is, however, that this is a frequent occurrence while I’m traveling.
The problem: most hotels keep their thermostats set at an average temperature to avoid high cost. Makes sense. You are given minimal control in most rooms by means of the standard underneath the window A/C unit or 3/4 inch opening allotment of the window, but generally there is a cap on how hot or cold a room can get.
*How do I know this?? My brother is a heating and refrigeration engineer and has taught me to be mindful of all thermostats, geothermal heat-pumps, and drainage systems since the day I was born. I’d say I’m fairly knowledgable. ?
So how does this all tie back to Wicked Sheets? It’s all about regulation, baby! Since I’ve been sleeping wicked for 4 years now, my body expects a certain sleeping environment: dry and breathable. Just as any runner or athlete who wears wick-away material to workout in, they hold those same expectations for temperature and moisture control during their performance. Sounds fairly technical, I know, but it really does work. If your brain can adapt and change to certain stimuli and environments, why wouldn’t we expect our bodies to do the same thing?
Here’s my proposal: Let’s start offering a “sleep wicked” option for sufferers of night sweats in hotels! Brilliant, right?! I think so (and so does my business mentor!). WICKED PLUG: If you, or anyone you know is a buyer or decision-maker for hotels, shoot them my website and contact info so we can talk. ? It’s a win-win, right? You sleep cool and comfortably all night long, the hotel saves a little money on the heating and cooling bill, and you, the pleased-patron know exactly where your hotel loyalties lie.
Ok, so if I didn’t solve the world’s problems with my thoughts in this blog, the least I can hope for is that the next time you walk into a hotel room and the temperature juuuust doesn’t feel right, you’ll think of me sweating my buns off as you snuggle underneath those terribly scratchy cotton (non-wicking) covers to take your much-deserved load off.
Sleep wicked, my friends…I’m happy to be “home”. – A

Wicked Sheets is a better sleep company, dedicated to providing products and information to deal with night sweats and hot flashes. Check out the rest of the site and our products to learn more.