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Feng Shui: Focus on the Senses

Feng Shui: Focus on the Senses

Feng Shui: Focus on the Senses

In the second part of this series, Dr. Krychman describes ways to use your senses to restore balance in your bedroom and allow for restorative sleep. Find part one here.


What do you see? Unclutter the floors, desks and surfaces of dressers or wall units. A cluttered bedroom is confusing, stressful and can enhance anxiety. A cluttered room is a cluttered mind. Simplicity brings calm focus. Remove excess clothes, tidy the drawers, and remove the pet accessories. Next, think about color: is your room soothing or loud? Soothing or and boisterous? Colors affect our emotions.  Choose a color that both you and your partner find relaxing and enjoyable.  Soft tranquil pastels, blues, or neutral colors maybe best.   It is also helpful to have black out curtains to help create total darkness when planning a restful night of sleep.  Stop checking twitter right before bedtime as the white light may be detrimental to you sleeping routine.


Touch your bedding! Is it warm and inviting, crisp and refreshing, or scratchy and harsh? Focus on your linen and bedding. It should be sensual and delicate to the touch.  When we sleep, we are tactile creatures influenced by the fabrics that come in to contact with our bodies. Your bed coverings should also be silky smooth and pleasant to touch.


For some, silence and darkness are essential elements for the perfect night’s rest.  Consider black out curtains and explore the sound elements in your room.  Do you have cell phones and iPads that can buzz or hum at night? They should be removed.  Sounds machines for soothing background music, ocean waves, or tranquil harmonies may also help with sleep waves or creating a sensual, sexy space. Consider a nightly mantra of soothing Hawaiian music as you do some guided imagery to relax your mind as you get ready for bed. Your bedroom should be a tropical fantasy oasis.


For many people smell, can provide an emotional response. It can soothe the spirit and calm the brain. Many men and women enjoy lavender scents sprays on their linen/pillows to help with an aromatic sleeping journey.  Consider a sleep spray or other aromatherapy oils. Scents that have been associated with tranquility, and may improve sleep include: vanilla, jasmine, and valerian.

Creating an environment that is transformed into a sleep haven is often the first step to cultivating a good night's rest. Look, listen, and feel your way to a peaceful sleepy paradise.

Notice the main image of this blog. The bed is made, the lights are beginning to dim, and sleep is imminent. Taking into account Dr. Krychman's advice, our bedroom is painted in soothing colors and our bedding is silky, smooth, and inviting.   

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