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Night Sweats as Symptom of Early Pregnancy

Night Sweats as Symptom of Early Pregnancy

Night Sweats as Symptom of Early Pregnancy

Night sweats as symptom of early pregnancy

One of the most consistently searched phrases on Google is night sweats as symptom of early pregnancy. A quick search reveals more than 1.7 million results. Wicked Sheets started more than a decade ago as a bedding company designed to combat uncomfortable sleeping conditions as a result of night sweats and hot flashes.

After several years and many requests from CEO Alli's pregnant friends -- Wicked Little Sleepers was born (pun intended!) Offerings include crib sheets, swaddle blankets and pregnancy pillows. Just like babies dribble, drool and sweat - so do Moms beginning their journey to motherhood.

Night sweats can occur as soon as the first trimester of pregnancy — in fact, that is often when night sweats are at their worst. A study by Stanford University, the use of antiemetic medications can elicit night sweats. Antiemetic medications, like Zofran or Metroclopramide, are given to women who suffer from extreme nausea early in the pregnancy — it helps to reduce vomiting and stomach upsets. However, this medication often increases flushing, night sweats and hot flashes. (Check these blogs out for medicines that may be making you sweat!)
Just like with women in menopause, bodily changes and hormones impact the production of night sweats, hence night sweats as symptom of early pregnancy “The part of the brain that regulates your heat levels is impacted by the change in hormones, causing you to sweat more,” writes Degree. “Night sweats and excessive sweating in early pregnancy tend to reduce over the nine months, but may increase near your delivery date due to further hormonal changes.”
Night sweats as symptom of early pregnancy are commonly linked and can occur during the first two to three weeks after pregnancy. This is due to the rapid fluctuation of estrogen produced naturally by the body. However, night sweats can also be tied to ovulation schedules. Check out this link for more detailed information about a few reasons behind sweating.
Furthermore, did you know that both you and your baby may be sweating, too, after birth? Because of the higher number of sweat glands per square inch of skin on babies and toddlers as compared to adults, they often sweat more notably at night, disrupting their sleep with wet bedding. We offer solutions for babies, toddlers and adults. Postpartum can impact mood, night sweats and hot flashes as well.

I’m pregnant – why am I sweating?

1. Hormonal Influx:

Especially in the first trimester, your hormones are on overdrive – meaning night sweats and early pregnancy are common. Everyone knows about the most common pregnancy hormones: progesterone, prolactin, and oxytocin, but there are some others that are important to note and are likely contributing directly to your increased sweat production.  Human chorionic gonadotropin (HcG) and thyroid stimulating hormone speed up your metabolism so that baby gets nutrients as fast as you do. Both of these very common and important hormones are making your body work double-duty so that your baby gets the nutrients it needs when you eat, sleep, and metabolize your food.

2. Internal Thermostat

If you considered yourself “one hot Momma” even before you were pregnant, meaning you sweat morning, noon, and night even without a human growing inside of you, then get ready…you’re in for a slip-and-slide sleeping experience. Especially those of us who experienced increased body temps and night sweats just before your menstrual cycle; pregnancy only exacerbates our temperature-regulating processes. Both night sweats and early pregnancy and night sweats during the duration of your pregnancy are common.

3. Weight Gain and Increasing BMI

Gaining weight during your pregnancy is SO HEALTHY – don’t hear it any other way than this. It’s an absolute certainty that you will gain some weight during your pregnancy. This necessary weight gain will lead to a slightly increased BMI (Body Mass Index). As your weight increases (15-40lbs is a normal pregnancy range), so does the fat and muscle tissue in and around our organs. That means your body is going to respond by telling it to burn more calories (and fat) so that we stay the lean, mean, fighting machines that our bodies were designed to be. Insert: night sweats as symptom of early pregnancy – and also for the entirety of pregnancy.

4. Lifestyle Changes

More often than not, pregnancy is a time where women start focusing more on what’s going into their bodies, as well as working on their bodies for the sake of both the baby and their postpartum body. Increases in exercises, such as walking, jogging, yoga, and Pilates are great ways to stay fit and healthy during your pregnancy. These exercises, however, will also speed up your metabolism so be prepared for more sweat. These changes won’t necessarily reduce night sweats and early pregnancy symptoms, but will help with overall health. Night sweats as symptom of early pregnancy doesn’t have to be a bad thing – embrace the sweat – go for a walk, get outside and get your blood flowing.

5. Anti-Nausea Medication

If you already know that you’re pregnant and you’re currently taking anti-nausea medicines, like antihistamines, Zofran, or Motilium, to help you deal with morning sickness – these may be making your stomach stay calm, but speeding up your sweat production.

Anti-nausea and anti-vomiting drugs, also known as anti-emetics, interact directly with your “Vomiting Center”. The Area Postrema is the structure in your brain stem that plays a vital role in the control of your autonomic functions: heart rate, digestion, sexual arousal, and, of course, vomiting. Ironically, all of your autonomic functions have a higher governance, called the Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS) that also controls sweat production!

As always, contact your doctor if you have questions about night sweats or hot flashes.
Sleep well, sleep wicked.

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