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Donna's Advice for Night Sweats and Cancer

Donna's Advice for Night Sweats and Cancer

Donna's Advice for Night Sweats and Cancer

"Night sweats, day sweats, it didn't matter the time of day! Sweat would drip off my nose!" writes Donna. Below, find Donna's responses to Alli about her cancer treatments, side effects, and how she stayed positive during her diagnosis. 

Talking cancer with a close family member  

1) When were you diagnosed and what was the treatment plan? 

The first time I was diagnosed 18 years ago, I had a lumpectomy and a lymph node biopsy. I did not have a clear margin at the lump sight and had 7 nodes removed under my arm. Of the 7, 4 were "hot" or contained cancer cells so I went through 1 round of chemo (4 treatments) and they went back into the same sight and removed tissue. This time, I had a clear margin, but went through another round of 4 chemo treatments ( 1 every 2 weeks as before). When the chemo treatments were completed, I went through 33 rounds of radiation.

2) Did you go on any medicines (i.e.,Tamoxifen) or additional medications?

After treatments were completed, I did take tamoxifen for 5 years.

3) Did you experience night sweats or hot flashes pre, during, or post your cancer journey? 

Being the age I was at the time, I had a period in December of 1999, started chemo in January of 2000 and never had another period. It through me into full blown menopause. Night sweats, day sweats, it didn't matter the time of day! Sweat would drip off my nose!! At night I would get so wet from sweating I would have to change night gowns and bedding! The in 2013 breast cancer reared its ugly head again. This time I had a double masectomy and another round of 4 chemo treatments. Many things had changed since 2000, but the loss of my hair wasn't one of them!  This time the nausea was controlled by Pepcid...and I received a Neulasta injection in my stomach to help my blood count.

4) What was one (or a few) of the comforts that you sought out during your cancer journey (a certain food, support group, a book or lyric, exercise)? 

As for comfort, it was the people around me...my family, my work family, and the people I met on both of my journeys. The care givers are amazing, compassionate, loving people, whom I would have never met if it not been for my cancer.

5) What advice would you give to someone about comforting themselves during treatment or post treatment? 

My advice, stay positive, take one day at a time, and put your faith in God and your caregivers. Over the years, I have talked to many women who have called me for advice or just a need to talk. It is important that everyone has someone to talk to.


As always, consult your physician with any medical advice, from night sweats to day sweats to anything in-between. At Wicked Sheets, we aim to be the comfort sleep solution for those suffering from night sweats and hot flashes as a result of cancer treatments, menopause, or generally hot sleepers! Our Moisture-Wicking bedding is Asthma and Allergy Friendly and we offer a 100% customer satisfaction guarantee. Use our Contact Us page to find out more or ask any questions! 

Sleep well, sleep wicked.

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