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Kick Butts, Sleep Well and Sweat Less

Kick Butts, Sleep Well and Sweat Less

Kick Butts, Sleep Well and Sweat Less

Cigarette use over time has decreased significantly -- though organizations still rally for the complete abatement over time. Kick Butts Day 2018 is "a national day of activism that empowers youth to stand out, speak up and seize control against Big Tobacco." One surprisingly common symptom of both cigarettes and quoting smoking? Night sweats. Night sweats and withdrawal are common in many things. At Wicked Sheets, we know the power and importance of quality, restorative sleep.

Smoking cessation often increases the chance for night sweats as the body deals with the decrease in nicotine. In addition, smoking can cause myriad sleep related issues. This Huffington Post article outlines 6 ways smoking can disrupt your sleep - these include:

  1. Changing your natural circadian rhythm.
  2. Increasing your chances of sleep apnea.
  3. Waking more frequently because of smoking.
  4. Issues falling asleep and staying asleep.
  5. More likely to suffer from insomnia.
  6. Your sleep may never be the same again.

March 21, 2018 is National Kick Butts Day and March is Sleep Awareness Month. Smoking cessation is one way to increase your overall quality of sleep and general health. As loyal readers know, we talk often of the benefits of restorative sleep on health, as well as the benefits of sleep for weight loss and helping with cancer treatments.

While smoking cessation can cause night sweats and withdrawals, the short-term side effects like night sweats are worth the health benefits of quitting. For more information on Sleep Awareness Month, visit the Better Sleep Council's website. Wicked Sheets has you covered on sleeping cool and dry all night long, but the Better Sleep Council has you covered for all things sleep, from tips to dealing with daylight savings time to more on the consequences of a lack of quality, restorative sleep.

Consult your doctor if you require more information on smoking cessation, or on the impact night sweats and withdrawal may have on your sleep. We're here to help you get the best night's sleep, on us. As always, sleep well, sleep wicked.  

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